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국제 교육 과정/미국수학경시 AMC

Mathematics Glossary - A

by 에이엠씨 2010. 1. 28.

수학 용어 정리를 드디어 시작하게 되었네요. 항상 미루고만 있었는데 A 부터 차근차근 정리하도록 하겠습니다.

해당 알파벳에 대한 용어는 계속 추가 업데이트 하겠습니다. 부족하거나 잘못된 부분은 코멘트로 남겨주세요. 


 • the first element in a coordinate pair.

   When graphed in the coordinate plane, it is the distance from the y-axis.

   Frequently called the x coordinate.

acute angle

 • an angle whose measure is between 0 ˚ and 90 ˚

acute triangle

 • a triangle with three acute angles.

additive inverses

 • two numbers whose sum is 0

adjacent angles

 • two angles that share a vertex and a common side between them but have no interior points in common.

   < ABC and < CBD are adjacent.


 • a step-by-step procedure for carrying out computation.

alternate angles

 • two angles that are in opposite locations when lines are cut by a transversal.

   If the angles are between the lines, they are called alternate interior angles;

   if they are outside the lines, they are called alternate exterior angles.

   If the lines are parallel, the alternate angles are congruent.

  c and f
  d and e

  a and h
  b and g

 • length from the uppermost point of a triangle to the line opposite.

associative property

 • when performing an operation on three or more numbers, the result is unchanged by the way the numbers are grouped.

    Addition and multiplication of numbers are associative since a+(b+c)=(a+b)+c and (ab)c=a(bc). 
    i.e. 6 + (7 + 9) = (6 + 7) + 9 and (4 x 3) x 5 = 4 x (3 x 5).

 • Subtraction and division are not associative. 
    i.e. (8 / 4) / 2 and 8 / (4 / 2) are not equal.

axis (axes)

 • the horizontal and vertical lines that form the quadrants of the coordinate plane.

  The horizontal axis is usually called the x-axis. The vertical axis is usually called the y-axis.
